In the mood for a classic dungeon crawl but don’t have a map? Please feel free to use this old-school style top-down dungeon map to get started. Fill it whatever monsters, treasure and traps you like and throw your players in there! I call it the Malign Marathon but that’s just a working title – call it whatever you want.
The map is completely free for personal use, I just ask that you do not publish it elsewhere without my consent. The resolution is 300 dpi so it will look good if you want to print it even in large size.
Download link (300 dpi .png file)
How to populate the dungeon – example rooms
It’s really up to you how you want to populate the dungeon. Use your imagination. If you want a little help to start here are a few ideas to get you going. Use them as inspiration or come up with somtehing completely different.

Support my work?
I don’t make a living from my art, but a small tip is always appreciated! If you would like to support me you can either buy me a beer through Ko-fi, or buy an art print here.
What a really great and detailed (old school style) map. Lots of cool features and an overall great look. I have to say, I sort of wish you did actually finish all of the room descriptions and explanations of puzzles (such as : where’s the key to the wheel) etc Would give potentioal DMS and almost “ready made” dungeon save for some personal tweaks and such to work it into their current storyline or lore.
I look forward to more from you. Great work.
Hey, the map is super cool It’s so rare to see well designed, nicely drawn dungeon maps. I love how you have a slightly more organic, punky, modern look that e.g. Dyson. That you also bring out a suggested population of the dungeon is really super rare and awesome! In short, this is a map I’d love to use.
I play on a VTT, and unfortunately, there are some technical issues with using this map file in a VTT. First off, the resolution of the map is actually quite low for VTT use! It’s around 59 pixels per grid square. I’d say the “industry standard” is somewhere around 100 pixels per square (70 is a common “low end” since that’s the default for Roll20). The lowest possible in my VTT, Foundry, is 50. More problematic is the “around” 59 pixels. It seems you’ve stretched the image slightly vertically? So the grid squares seem to be exactly 59 pixels wide, but something like 59.01 tall. This makes it impossible to align the map perfectly with a grid in a VTT. None of these are BIG problems, but it tells me you are not aware of this stuff, probably not using a VTT yourself? So thought I’d just let your know.
Buddy, you just rock! Your map is really great. I think I will use in one of my RP games. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you very much, I’m happy if the map gets used!
AWESOME! Thx will post pics of it during play this Sunday, needed a quick under the church dungeon & this really fits the bill. Have a wide format printer and will print this off at about 42×56..
Tag you on X when I do, Thx Again!!! 🤘
Glad you like it, enjoy!