The Temple of Rot – isometric dungeon map

Hand drawn isometric dungeon map of the Temple of Rot

Oh man, this map took a loooong time to draw, so I really hope you enjoy it. There’s no written story to this dungeon, but perhaps you find the visual storytelling inspiring enough to come up with your own adventure? If you do, please tell me about it in the comments!

Like many of my adventure site maps, this has a dark fantasy streak to it. I like to mix up fantasy and horror elements both in my art and when I run Dungeons & Dragons adventures. I just love it when the players gets a little bit freaked out by the environment.

Would you mind supporting my work?

I don’t like the idea of hiding my work behind paywalls like Patreon and such, and I probably never will. I’m truly inspired by the thought of people around the world enjoying my art, using it when playing games and having fun with their friends. That said, this piece took a lot of effort and time, and if you find it valuable please consider a small tip through my Ko-Fi account.

Download this map for free!

Wether you tipped or not, the map is available as a download for you to print and use at your gaming table! (but please note that commercial use or publishing elsewhere without my consent is not ok)

Use the link below to download a high-resolution image file.

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5 thoughts on “The Temple of Rot – isometric dungeon map”

  1. Oh man, I was looking to see if ANYONE had made an adventure set in a temple of Moander. The answer is no, but this is the next best thing. They are for-sure worshipping The Rotting God in this place and now my players get to go into here.

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